About company

 Travel company "SIVER" (Petrozavodsk, Karelia)

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Welcome to the website of SIVER Travel Company!

Let us explore the rigorous beauty of the Russian NORTH together! Uncover the magic of woods, swamps, vast lakes, feel the powerful vibes of stone and the fragility of snow! Plunge into the world of Northern charm, embrace the spiritual traditions of the Northerners! We offer travel packages, tours, authentic programs for schoolchildren and adults.


Since 2004, our company has delivered diverse tourist services! Over the years, we have passed a long way from simple tour services to complex programs for schoolchildren, corporate customers, authentic ethnographic tours and traveling across the Karelian lakes!
Our team includes people of various ages and professional backgrounds: sea captains, genuine sea and land travelers, teachers, cooks, students, IT experts, managers, travel agents, etc. All of us have a responsible and creative approach. We love KARELIA and seek to share our affection with you through our programs!